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Il Giardino Danzante

Il Giardino Danzante

Fare la differenza nella società e nella vita delle persone. È questa la mission de Il Giardino Danzante, associazione culturale nata nel 2006 da un’idea di Ileana Rotella. È dalla volontà di diffondere benessere e risveglio di coscienza spirituale, emozionale, mentale e fisica attraverso la medicina non convenzionale che nasce il centro olistico Il Giardino Danzante, dove cooperano diversi terapeuti e operatori olistici. La sede di via V maggio 11 a Milano è un vero e proprio polo di aggregazione di interessi e persone: vengono, infatti, organizzati incontri, conferenze, workshop, seminari, serate di meditazione e iniziative per bambini, giovani, adulti, diversamente abili e anziani. È dal desiderio di divulgare amore, passione e benessere a 360 gradi che nasce anche la scuola naturopatia a indirizzo energetico QTR.

I prossimi Eventi dell'Associazione


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Professionalism, personality, care, humanity. These are the tenets of the School founded by Ileana Rotella. The training programme of the School consists of courses composed of different modules for a total amount of 1300 hours, divided into theory classes in Milan and practice sessions with case studies.  The attendance to the modules varies according to one’s availability. The students can request the recognition for similar courses that they have already attended. The recognition of these courses is at discretion of the faculty. It is also possibile to register to single courses, without attending the complete training programme of the School.


I was a child of only eleven. One day, as I was watching TV, all of a sudden I had some sort of intuition. I could’t just do nothing in front of suffering. I had to to something for the good of all humankind, for the good of people. I wandered about what to do. I thought that the solution might be to become a doctor. Today I am a naturopath, a homeopath and a flower therapist: my mission is to bring wellbeing and to make the difference in people’s life, easing their suffering and teaching them how to feel good. It was summer and I was 14. There was a beautiful scarlet sunset. I was looking at the sky and in that moment I got in touch with the emotions of people. All of a sudden, I was hit by all the sufferng and the pain scattered around the world. It was then that I prayed Mother Mary: “Make me a channel of wellbeing and healing, so that I can learn to do something good for the others. Make me a channel to help the individuals, to bring wellbeing in the heart and in the life of people. Teach me why we get sick and how I can teach people to get better. The idea of QTR Academy is born from these two events of my life: it is a path of self awareness and self consciousness. Ileana Rotella

Ileana Rotella Biography

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Naturopathic School Of Qtr Energy Balance

The knowledge that awakens happyness

The Naturopathic school of QTR energy balance has been founded with the goal to train highly qualified professional figures and to improve the skills of all the operators who approach the holistic world from an energetic perspective. Through a path of self awareness and self consciousness, the QTR naturopath can restore the energetic balance of the individual, focusing on their physical, mental, spiritual and emotional wellbeing. Quantum Touch Releasing QTR is an energetic vibrational technique based on quantum physics and sacred geometry and sound. QTR can activate consciusness and vitality in every human being through vibrational notes, consisting in symbols and words with a specific intention. Through the QTR technique it is possible to work with various frequencies, each affecting different aspects of the complex but highly coherent human hologram. QTR acts directly on the issue that creates the conflict in the person, relieves the emotional burden and uncovers possible disfunctional core beliefs, thus speeding up the work of elaboration of past experiences and allowing both the client and the operator to reach the desidered results faster.

Who can enrol at QTR Academy

QTR Academy is a path of self awareness and self consciousness. The Naturopathic School of QRT energy balance is the ideal choice for all those who want to start a journey of self growth and spiritual awakening. QTR Academy can also represent a job opportunity, as the School trains professionals with the skills to support the holistic well being of the individuals. Moreover, anyone who is interested in following a path of self awareness and spiritual awakening can register for single courses.


The educational path has a modular and flexible structure: QTR Academy degree can be accomplished in a period varying from three to five years. The complete training programme of the School includes a total amount of 1300 hours, divided into theory classes in Milan and practice sessions. At the beginning of each module of a course, the students will receive specific educational materials and handouts.

At the end of each course, the students will undergo an exam to test their proficiency. At the end of the whole training programme, the professional skills of the students will be tested through a practical exam including the dissertation of a thesis.  



The Naturopathic school of QTR energy balance is a professional training centre recognized by Aspin (research centre of Erba Sacra founded to guarantee the development of the culture related to the holistic disciplines), Opes (Organization for the sports activities recognized by Coni, Italian National Olympics Commettee) and Aics (Italian Organization for Culture and Sport)


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QTR Academy Via Cinque Maggio, 11 20157 Milano (MI) Tel. 392 428 6756