
Ileana Rotella

The QTR energy naturopathy school is designed and founded by Ileana Rotella.  Director and teacher of the QTR Academy, she is a certified therapist and teacher of ThetaHealing Master and Certificate of Science (the entire training course took place with Vianna Stibal, the founder of ThetaHealing).  A tireless researcher since 1988, Ileana Rotella is a naturopath, homeopath, flower-therapist, Master Reiki and Karuna Reiki. She has studied shamanism and is an instructor of Lao Long Dao (Vietnamese kung fu).

She is the founder of Quantum Touch Releasing QTR. It is a vibrational energetic technique that, through the use of particular vibrational notes composed of symbols and words guided by a specific intent, acts on the individual without the interference of the rational mind, communicating information below the consciousness. Starting from a profound holistic knowledge of the human being combined with studies of sacred geometry, the QTR technique must be understood as spiritual alchemy and path of energy transformation. On the physical and energetic level, through the QTR technique it is possible to cleanse and unblock each chakra or energy channel, raise the vibrational level of the individual, increase the frequency of vibration of the physical body, increase rooting and stability, transfer healing intent through  what is called unconditional love. Furthermore, it is possible to activate self-healing for the genetic baggage of the person and to clean the cells from the information that can then lead to suffering, even following physical interventions or injuries.


Certified ThetaHealing teacher
Thetahealer, Flower Therapy, Naturopathy
Experienced therapist in love and couple relationship
Professor at the Higher Education School of Naturopathy Revel
Master Reiki and Karuna Reiki
Founder of the Quantum Touch Releasing (QTR) technique
Lao Long Dao (Vietnamese kung-fu) instructor
Coach (Resonance Associate Facilitator)




Doctor of Homeopatihic Medicine, Great Britain, 1988
Bachelor of Flower Therapy Bach, Great Britain, 1995
Institute of Iridology, Mirdad Institute, Italy, 1995
Diploma of Classical Homeopathy, Mirdad Institute, Italy, 1996
Diploma Naturopathy, Istituto Mirdad, Italy, 2000
Endocellular Nutrition and Nutripuntura Diploma, Italy, 2004
Coaching diploma, Manerba del Garda, Italy, 2017




Seminar on Nutritional Energy Medicine, Italy
Bach Flower Workshop, Bach Flower Center London, 1995
Endocellular Nutritional Medicine Seminar, Italy, 1995-1996
Homeopathic Pediatric Clinic Prof. George Vithoulkas, Greece
Centrum Voor Homeopathie course, Prof. A. Geukens, Belgium, 1995-2000
Dr. Morrison Seminar, Italy
Pediatric Homeopathic Seminar Dr. Grandgeorge Didier, France
International Course in Classical clinical homeopathy, Prof. George Vithoulkas, 1996-2002
Seminar Dr. Shankaran, Italy
Dr. Herscu's Classical Homeopathy
Psychiatric homeopathy with Dr. Vangelis
Homeopathic clinic seminars with Dr. Roberto Petrucci
Seminar Dr. Carl Simonton: "Approach to the Oncological patient"
Flower Therapy Course with Barbara Mazzarella
Seminar Dr. of Space: Spinal Chromoriflexology
Introductory seminar on Biopsychogenealogy Dr. Athias
Psychodynamic studies
Studies of Psycho-Cybernetic Esseni




Basic DNA
Basic DNA Instructor
Advanced DNA
Advanced DNA Instructor
Intuitive Anatomy
Intuitive Anatomy Instructor
Disease and Disorder
Disease and Disorder Instructor
Manifesting and Abundance
Manifesting and Abundance Instructor
Rainbow Children
Rainbow Children Instructor
World Relations
World Relations Instructor
DNA III Instructor
Game of Life
Game of Life Instructor
Family Ties
Family Ties Instructor
Planes of Existence
Planes of Existence Instructor
Dig Deeper
Dig Deeper Instructor
Rhythm to the Perfect Weith
Rhythm to the Perfect Weith Instructor
Wealth consciousness
You and Your Significant Other (Growing your relationships I)
You and Your Significant Other (Growing your relationships I) Instructor
You and the Creator (Growing your relationships II)
You and the Creator (Growing your relationships II) Instructor
You and Your Inner Circle (Growing your relationships III)
You and Your Inner Circle (Growing your relationships III) Instructor
You and the Earth (Growing your relationships IV)
You and the Earth (Growing your relationships IV) Instructor

Upcoming Events

Corso in presenza presso Il Giardino Danzante e online via Zoom

Seminario in presenza presso Il Giardino Danzante e online via Zoom

Seminario in presenza presso Il Giardino Danzante e online via Zoom

QTR Academy Via Cinque Maggio, 11 20157 Milano (MI) Tel. 392 428 6756